Monday, February 4, 2008

I can't believe I'm blogging, or writing for that matter. I swore I'd never blog, but I've developed a bit of gout or at least have a few swollen fingers and am feeling quite mortal.

I've always had this need to leave my stain on this lovely planet that will one day explode and maybe this will be it? Well, ok, it's one stain of many.....

I'm going to do this in baby steps; so anyone that reads this hopefully will bear with me.

Not sure what I'll write about....The title, Raging Possum is something I've had for ages. I like the term because I can't think of too many things more pointless than a raging possum yet that's what I think many of us ultimately are in this world.

I have my rages. I hate hypocrisy but it's the coin of the realm of this world. I hate thieving and bullying but again that's how the world is run. The Meek may inherit the Earth, but only after everyone else has had their use and who the heck wants sloppy billionths?

That lovely photo you see is of my beloved dog Melly. She's amazing and a treasure unless she doesn't like you.

Well that's it for this first post. I said I was going to take it in baby steps.


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