Monday, February 4, 2008

Someone Stole My Mailbox

This is about the weirdest thing to happen to me in years that didn't involve substances that are illegal in certain locales.

I'd only had it up for two days. It was a plain box that one of my customers had made for me; spray painted black and harmless; certainly of no pertained value.....

Except to the freak that stole it.


Why does theft outrage us so? Surely someone must've needed or wanted my humble mailbox to the point that they'd break the law to unscrew it from its concrete wall?

Or they were just high and happy and thinking that it'd be the coolest thing in the world to do.

Hey, I'm starting out slow here. I'm sure I can work up better rants given some time.....

In the meanwhile I just get nasty looks from the posties who have to open my door and throw the mail on the floor......

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